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Places are the smallest administrative unit in Konkwest. They are the small outlined areas you can select by clicking them on on the globe. Each place has a terrain type, an elevation and coordinates, a stability value, an industry level, and language groups.

Places can be owned by countries, which control them through regions. Through various mechanics it is possible that a place is not owned by the country that should "de jure" own it. In some map modes, such as the Political map mode this situation is shown using stripes.

Takeover costs

How much it costs to conquer or colonize a place depends on a variety of factors. The overall takeover costs are calculated with this formula.

LimitInReasonableDistance(terrain_type_modifier * (base_cost + elevation_difference * cost_per_elevation + overseas_cost) + conquest_cost + fortified_cost + cost_per_industry_level * industry_level + distance * cost_per_distance) + initial_colonization_extra_cost

  • LimitInReasonableDistance() means that the result in brackets is capped at a maximum of 500 if the distance between the place's markers is less than 4000km.
  • base_cost = 60
  • conquest_cost is 40 if someone owns the place, otherwise 0.
  • cost_per_elevation = 0.1
  • cost_per_industry_level = 10
  • elevation_difference is the difference in elevation between the place and the place you are coming in from, in meters.
  • fortified_cost = 250
  • initial_colonization_extra_cost is a different value per terrain type.
  • overseas_cost = 50
  • terrain_type_modifier is a different value per terrain type.