How to play

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In Konkwest you play as a country and try to make it the best in the world. You can choose any country you want and even create your own one. Once you have selected a country, you will see the places owned by your country outlined in white instead of black.

Structure of the game world

There are three administrative layers in the game: countries, regions, and places. Places are the smallest unit. They are the small outlined areas you can select by clicking them on on the map. Regions are an interesting, but advanced middle layer to the game. The biggest and most important layer are the countries. In the default, political map mode, they are distinguished by color. A player plays one country and decides what that country does. That means that you will have control over all of the places and regions of your country.

Core principle

The game is all about power. Each of your places grants your country an amount of power every turn, which varies based on the place's terrain type, industry level, and stability, as well as its languages and the linguistic policy and specialization of the region in which it is. For the start it's mainly important that you know that your country needs power, and you get power from your places and their industry level.